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Community Outreach with Master Gardeners 

Helping our community grow

True to the mission of being service-oriented, educators, and motivated to share knowledge and expertise, Master Gardeners are active in the communities of Mobile County. Here are a few of our areas of Community Outreach and Engagement. 

Community Gardens 


MCMGs are involved with various non profits, such as, Mobile Urban Growers, Feeding the Gulf Coast, Strickland Youth Center detention and probation, and local churches which host food pantries to plan, develop, assist with maintenance, and the harvest of produce so that it is available to the community including the food insecure. The outreach provides children’s education, such as, the after school and summer programs at Taylor Park. Gardening days are a time for volunteers, local youth groups, and summer youth groups to learn about growing, building healthy soil, and the health benefits of being in the garden and nature. (Photos of community gardens, Strickland – Parkway and Whistler, Feeding the GC) 

Mobile Botanical Gardens

Mobile Botanical Gardens

Mobile County Master Gardeners are staunch supporters of the Mobile Botanical Gardens. Our engagement includes greenhouse propagation and support, garden maintenance, and, chiefly, Plant Sale commitment and action.  Mobile County Master Gardeners assist with sale set up and clean up since plant sale weeks include days before, during, and after the actual events. During the spring and fall sales we aid shoppers in plant choices, host a Master Gardener tent for general questions and guidance, staff check out, and what ever else is needed to insure a successful plant sale at the Mobile Botanical Gardens. (Photos from various sources) 



Community Gardening
Happy Man

Mobile County Extension Office 

1070 Schillinger Rd. N

Mobile, AL 36608






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