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What is a Master Gardener?

The Alabama Master Gardener Volunteer Program is an educational volunteer-recruitment program offered through the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Volunteers work with Extension to bring the latest horticultural information to their communities. 


Master Gardeners make an impact: In 2022, Alabama Master Gardeners provided community value in volunteer hours equivalent to $6.32 M, contributed more than 33,000 lbs of produce through Grow More Give More and answered more than 168,000 gardening questions!

The concept of Master Gardener volunteer training began at Washington State University. In Alabama, the program began in 1981 with Extension agent Gary Murray and an energetic Cornell Extension Master Gardener, Mary Lou McNabb, who had moved  to Huntsville. 

This program represents an effective partnership between the land-grant universities of this state, Alabama Extension Agents, and motivated volunteers. Master Gardener volunteers offer their community reliable, relevant and reachable gardening information and education opportunities.


Reliable- Our gardening advice and programs are research based.

Relevant- Our information is timely. 

Reachable- Call us for answers at:


Master Gardener Home Garden Information Hotline


What does it require?

Helping the citizens of Mobile County 

Participants are required to report 50 hours of volunteer service. (That's fewer than seven workdays at a full-time job.) Projects range from answering Helpline calls and assisting Extension agent workshops to ongoing community projects. 

The Alabama Master Gardener training program provides 50 hours of classroom and hands-on instruction. Classes, taught by Extension specialists and agents, local specialists and certified Master Gardeners, include the following:

• home lawns 
• trees and shrubs 
• Alabama Smart Yards 
• annuals and perennials 
• plant propagation 
• vegetable gardening 
• soil science 
• pest management 
• and much more!

How do I become a Master Gardener?

In Mobile, the Master Gardener training program is offered once a year, beginning in early August and ending in early November.  A series of classes are held each Thursday from 9 am to 2:30 pm at the Jon Archer Center, 1070 Schillinger Road N, Mobile. The registration deadline for the Mobile County Master Gardener class is early June each year.  Participants are welcome to join classes in any of the hosting counties regardless of residence. A registration fee and background check are required upon acceptance to the program.

If you are interested, please contact the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, anytime during the year, to obtain more information or to place your name on the wait list for an upcoming class. 

Mobile County Master Gardener Applications 

c/o Alabama Cooperative Extension System 

1070 Schillinger Road N. 

Mobile, AL 36608 


Mobile County Extension Office 

1070 Schillinger Rd. N

Mobile, AL 36608






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